
米国AQ Skin Solutions 社代表Dr.アーメッド・アルカタニのもとに一人の患者さんから感謝のメッセージが


I just had to tell you and I know this is completely silly but it's jewish new year tonight and I was
thinking what a year I had . I've had 18 surgeries and been so very poorly . One of my surgeries was to
fix my cheek bones and jaw that unfortunately were smashed in after I was attacked and robbed by three
heroine addicts here in the UK . My face was a total and utter mess and due to all the pain medications
and surgeries my hair fell out in clumps and thinned out . I had some money saved up and I looked on
line and read about your product range and I used to only spend £10 on a skin serum and maybe the same
on hair care being a male who didn't know much . Well I bought the magic recovery serum and the hair
and scalp treatment . Can I tell you that your products are mind blowing ! Skin changing ! They do
repair the skin when it needs urgent repair ! Before my eyes I saw the transformation ! I really
couldn't believe what I was seeing . My Hair is now also do thick and healthy and strong and I
had a little bit of male pattern hair loss at one temple area well no more it grew back . I think
u look better than I had looked before my attack. The facial surgeon asked what I had done as he
could not help but stare at my skin ! I don't know how you do it :) well I guess I do it's the
power of human growth factors but you made my last year so so much better than I thought it would
have been . I can look in the mirror again and I don't immediately see the attack etched into
my skin ! To me that's well beyond words can explain as I am trying to rebuild my life piece
by piece . I'm in hospital at the moment as I am having spinal surgery on Thursday . I just
wanted to from the bottom of my heart thank you for all your research and your commitment into
making life changing products . You changed my life :) xxxDanny



肌の若返り美容液アクティブセラム 目元のしわ・シミ アイセラム
肌の若返りフェイスマスク 肌の修復 リカバリーセラム
育毛剤ヘアーコンプレックス まつ毛育毛剤 ラッシュ
デリケートゾーン・膣乾燥症 ディーブイエス テストステロン エンドテスト
肌の若返り美容液アクティブセラム 目元のしわ・シミ アイセラム
肌の若返りフェイスマスク 肌の修復 リカバリーセラム
育毛剤ヘアーコンプレックス まつ毛育毛剤 ラッシュ
デリケートゾーン・膣乾燥症 ディーブイエス テストステロン エンドテスト